Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Girls just wanna have fun!

Being YW President is a tough job. I'm not even going to lie about it. There are all kinds of things that I lay awake and worry about. I have great ladies that I work with, and together we try our darndest to run a program that's fun and fulfilling. The right mix of gospel and goofy. At the risk of being released (Hi Bishop!), I will say that there are some activity nights that you throw churchiness to the wind, and let them have some fun. After planning our Service Scavenger Hunt, we broke out some Jenga. Look at these faces... Either they are faking fun to humor me, or they don't get out much.

PS. Is it blasphemy to use the Lord's hymnbook as a base for your tower?


Lisa said...

Well I threw my girls in the car to get frosty's one time...so I think you're pretty much safe. I think I was suppose to get consent forms signed...but oh well! Yes YW can be grueling but totally fun at the same time!!!

j and s (but mainly s) said...

Oh, no. If getting frosty's is the worst thing Lisas done... then we are in trouble.