If there's one thing Jack is good at, it's eating. Not uncommon for a newborn, I suppose. He had his one week checkup today, and charmed the pants off of his Pediatrician. I'm sure they never see cute babies there, so he must have been a breath of fresh air. He's gained a couple ounces on his birthweight, so we're right on track.
Living in a hotel room doesn't offer much diversion, but it has provided us lots of uninterrupted bonding time. These two are kindred spirits when it comes to relaxation.
They are pretty thick, these two. Daron is a champion feeder, changer, and general entertainer. I manage to get a couple hours of sleep each night because these two night owls are content to hang out together in the wee hours.
I've watched a lot of Seinfeld, so if any of you tell me I have a "snuggly" baby, I'll likely be offended. Even so, snuggling with Jack is heaven. He makes these wonderful squeaky little sounds that just melt me. If only we could get him to sleep in his crib. If you have any tips for this, let me know.
As for us, still waiting... We expect to be told in the coming days that we will be allowed to leave the state. This has been a wonderful adventure, but the truth is we are very anxious to be home. Daron won't admit to homesickness per se, but I will. I miss my house, my family, my friends, my dog... And so on... We're looking forward to being back, and sharing Jack with all of you!
- Posted by Elisa using her awesome IPad
Yeah, the hotel is not ideal for Jack to sleep in a crib. Plus you probably don't have a swing or bouncy seat to try other things. You hear every noise, but really, that cutie is easy to snuggle with I'm sure. Do you swaddle? I liked the book Babywise...not that I had a lot of time to read. It had good techniques for getting a schedule down. Also, one piece of advice my sister-in-law Katie gave me was to early on "let them put themselves to sleep....lay them down awake"...I didn't really know what that meant, but after the hours of bouncing on a stupid ball and running around the house, and rocking... trying to get Lucy to sleep...it was a bit ridiculous. Wish I would've listened to that more (she did this with #2 and #3 and she had great sleepers). But seriously it's trial and error...you'll figure it out and especially once you get home you'll get in a groove. Love the updates!
I'm bad....i co sleep til about 6 months, rock them to sleep for the first year....but both of them, even finn, are great sleepers so far. i believe in getting all the snuggles and sleepies you can while they are young and cant say no. i also hold them and carry them around all day while the house doesnt always get cleaned like normal. but that only lasts about 6 months, and then they are much more interested in rolling, sitting or whathave you....at least in my experience. just do what feels right to you. :)
I love it! I'm sure once you guys get home things will be a lot better. He is such a cutie I can't wait to see him in person. I love the picture of him and Daron. He is so tiny I don't think anyone could resist holding him for hrs.
I'm w/ Cat I think I'm going to do the same thing she does. My friend's lil one is already 6 months old time goes by way too fast when it comes to babies.
Put the shirt that you wore all day or your pillow case in this crib. I even lay they on it. It helps a little bit anyway...
The good news is that they all eventually learn to sleep. Parker was two when this happened, meadow much much earlier. Hang in there mamma!!
I have no advice. :) But I totally CANNOT wait to meet the wee one. And the pic of Daron and Jack is awesome!
I'm sort-of like Heather. Sleep with something he will sleep with (like a luvie). Try and sleep with it for about a week to get your scent on it. Then let him lie with it at night/nap. I've done it with all four kids and it always works. I'd wait till your home though. Let him get used to sleeping in his real bed.
I say just enjoy every minute of it! Take turns sleeping and he will get in a normal routine when you are home. There are so many different ways to do it. You really can't go wrong as long as you are all happy! Love you guys! So happy for you! See you soon, Mommy!
Hmmm, We waited so long for Bryan once we got him he slept in our room and now at four he's right next to us...(john is kicking him out this weekend :( We love the pictures and posts and can't wait to meet this little guy. The best part of finally getting a baby is looking forward to getting that mothers day flower in sacrament and saying Yipppee give me my flower :)
Did you buy a c.d with quiet music for the ride home?
It will make a HUGE difference and keep him sleeping (maybe ) Sorry we tried Rush and it did not do the trick :)
Oh my goodness, he keeps getting cuter and cuter! I mean Jack, not Daron. :o)
No advice either... but those are 2 dang cute boys ya got there! Can't wait to meet Jack. And honestly isn't all the no sleep worth it? Looking forward to some of that myself one of these days. :)
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