Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I've been trying to distract myself by working on Jack's nursery. It's been a weird project, because the control freak part of me wants everything to be perfect and lovely when the little man moves in, but the superstitious/jinxed/jaded side of me is afraid to do too much. Hence, nursery limbo land, where everything is chosen and purchased, but not entirely assembled. Reality: with less than 18 weeks to go, it's time to get moving! Plus, with the added incentive of Jack's entire biological family now following the blog, there's additional reason to deliver- Gotta keep these lovely people convinced that the Barnes casa (and NC in general) will be an awesome place for a boy to thrive and grow! A janky nursery would make this a much harder sell.

For the decorating scheme, I was really stuck. For a girl it would have been so much easier- there is soooo much cute girl stuff out there. Boys are a little trickier. I know I'm going to offend someone deeply when I say this, but I really loathe the whole firetrucks/sailboats/blue theme that seems to be so common with boys rooms. Yes, you want it to be distinctly boyish, but the whole blue thing is so overdone. And probably the whole reason it's overdone, is because there aren't a lot of choices out there for boys. Look at me. The smug expert on nurseries all the sudden.

What I did choose ended up being a theme I'm completely used to. You'll see what I mean below:

Woodland creatures. Soothing earth tones. I'm totally cool with this. The collection is called "Tree Tops," by Carters. I've since chosen a complementary fabric and recovered the cushions on the glider, and lined the laundry basket I bought. Yes, little things to be sure, but enough to keep me distracted from all the things I have no control over.

No, there's nothing to be alarmed about. Things continue to go well, and Kelli has good days and bad days. This pregnancy hasn't been an easy one for her, so I try to root her on from the sidelines. I know she's doing the hardest part, and that's a weird feeling to reconcile. That feeling that there's diddly I can do to help her out. She's a good kid. I hate watching her struggle.

Anyyyyyway. I hope you like the woodland creatures. I think they are adorable, and a good way to get Jack prepped for all the time he will spend in the woods with his dad and grandpa. I apologize for the glossy, staged photo. As soon as we make a little more progress (still need to paint! arrgh!) I'll post the finished product. Now that I'm the expert on baby nurseries, and how not to get them done in a timely manner, please feel free to contact me anytime for fabulous ideas!



Anonymous said...

I love the woodland creatures! Before I saw the pictures, I did think it was gonna be monkeys, but OH I love the woodland creatures.
I struggled with the same thing for Scott and did a giraffe theme, but now we have a million stuffed giraffes and he doesn't do diddly with them. So this baby, I did a color theme and chose red, brown and cream. Gives me sooo much more to work with and still works for the millions of giraffes I have around.
I'm soo excited to see how everything turns out and to meet this new little man coming soon. :)

Lisa said...

Oh I like it! And call if you need help painting...I love to paint! Seriously...I'm actually getting ready to do our house after all the nail pops are fixed. Actually just call if you need anything!

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

I love it!! I think it is very soothing and beautiful. We also had the same nursery dilema. Ours is green/jungle themed (whew, no blue sailboats for us!! :-)

Ding dong said...


I have a random baby gift for you. Maybe one day if we ever hang out I can give it to you.

Jessica Brown said...

Perfect for the Barnes House!

Unknown said...

Oh Wowee!! Elisa, this is stunning. I adore it!! I bet Darren loves it too!! :)

Colleen said...

I LOVE it!!! We did blue with other colors as we didn't know boy or girl for Spencer (he was shy in all sonograms) but not sailboats or firetrucks! ;) I LOVE the theme! I think browns, and other calming colors are perfect!! I'll have to read up on your other posts to get caught up on this obviously EXCITING news!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see you making choices for lil Jack's room & trying to support Kelli's roller coaster of being pregnant!! This is a journey. I love the design you've chosen, although funny I was thinking monkeys too. LOL Lisa