Saturday, April 24, 2010


So, a lot of you have heard, and most you haven't- We're tried to call and let a lot of you know...

We got the call yesterday morning, and not only are we getting a baby, he's due in 9 days! May 3rd is his due date, but you know how these things go. We're preparing so that we can leave about any time. We don't know a lot about the situation, as the birthparents wish for a closed adoption. We know that he is healthy and has had excellent prenatal care. We know that he is caucasian, but beyond that... nothing. We won't know anything about the family beyond the little bit of family medical history that will be provided to us.
People keep asking about showers, etc. I can't even wrap my brain around this yet, much less contemplate a shower. I am excited to have one, and will enjoy it much more after we are home for a week or two. My go-to girl Sherri is taking charge of that, so if you'd like to help, or want an invite, please email her at She'll hook you up with all the pertinent info.
This isn't a done deal. Please pray for a healthy delivery, and that the Spirit may comfort his birthmother throughout the process. I can't imagine being in her shoes right now. She has a final doctor's appointment on Tuesday that will hopefully help us narrow down our departure date.
Thank you for all the well-wishes, and we will keep you posted as we know more!


Shelly said...

seriously can't stop crying! i know how good of parents you'll be and that baby boy is so lucky to have you! i pray for everything to go smoothly!

Jessica Brown said...


Heather McKeon said...


Unknown said...

Oh that is what I was hoping this post would say!!!! SO awesome. We will definitely be praying for the baby, the birth mother and you guys!!

katie said...

YEAH!!! My whole family is super excited for you guys:) That is just awesome.

Nic said...

Elisa, We are so excited for you!! :) You and your little one will be in our thoughts and prayers for the next few weeks. Hope it all goes well!! :) and YAAAAAAY!!! :)

j and s (but mainly s) said...

how funny is it that your last post was about waiting to adopt?

i am so so so so happy for you. ive cried like twice today i am so happy!